Monday, December 29, 2008

There are still a few honest people out there...

I had a completely freak-out moment that I think I handled quite well. Briyanna and I had to do a little shopping at Fred Meyer. I HATE going there... just because it across town and somewhat over priced. Anyhow, we got the 3 things we needed and went back home. About 30 minutes after we get home, Briyanna calmly tells me that she can't find her cell phone. So we call it and check in the van, the bedroom, outside. It is no where. So I'm kinda pissed but I think I did a pretty good job of being nonchalant about it. I really didn't want to go back to Fred Meyer. I didn't have gas, and once again, it is clear across town! Well, when Briyanna starts to cry, I normally have compassion because she does it so rarely. She literally has to be hurt bad or REALLY upset. I think the last time I saw her cry real good was when she got her head cracked open like an egg by a rock a year ago. So she was really crying. I gave in and drove back to that stupid store. I was irritated enough that I let her look around for a bit by herself, but then compassionate mom kicked in again. So I got out and looked around to. While we were in there my phone rang and it came up as 'BRIYANNA' and I just figured that I drove all the way down to that store and a kid had found it at home. But it was a man I didn't recognize, standing in the jewelry section call me. I was so glad. It's a trac phone and it's attached to my debit card and every 60 minutes used it pulls out $10. I was just imagining diaster. I was giving her til 9 to find that phone and then I was cancelling it. I'm so thankful for honest people.

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