Thursday, December 11, 2008

The books have fallen

This past week has been a complete frustration for me. I'm not sure if I'm PMSing or what. I don't think that I normally do that (DH may not agree w/ that) so I'm pretty sure it's not that, but I have been a mess. I've made stupid actions on several things. And then, this is what set me off, I have a few "friends" that really took advantage of me in the last 2 weeks. And family members have hurt my feelings. The list could go on. But here I am all irritated about one thing, then something else happens... It's like having a large book, then someone putting another on top and this happening until the books to heavy to carry any more and they come crashing down. And that is how I feel. So now I have a pile of books that I have to clean up. And I don't want to. I just want them to lie there on the ground. I'm going to watch them lie there. And I don't care. I have alot of work to do and I've been so in the dumps today that sat around reading and playing the guitar til I had blisters. Both of those seem to sooth me. And my wonderful time of evenings at home is coming to a screeching halt! Briyanna starts soccer up here in a few weeks so it's back to soccering 3-4 nights (maybe more) a week. I know I am complaining about this. I hate it, BUT! it has improved her game so much this fall. She was good before, but now she's really good. So I'm going to live with it. But I'm not sure that I could handle all of my kids in this kind of program. I'm actually looking forward to summer break already!

1 comment:

Bippy said...

I feel your pain!!