Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring forward...

I'm only blogging because it has been like 2 weeks since I've last blogged. It's not like nothing has happened... just too busy to write about any of it. So I'll fill you all in on all the fabulously exciting details of my life. We have had TONS AND TONS of orders so of course.. that plays a huge role in my absence. The other reason why I'm not blogging is because spring soccer is in full swing again. We've had 2 games already and our first league game was today. We won and it was actually quite surprising. We moved from C bracket to A bracket. C bracket is mediocre/ beginners and A is the good teams. Our move was unintentional, but that's another story... So since we made such a big jump, we are really expecting to loose most games, just hopefully not by a land slide. So this game we won: 1 to 0. We'll take that. Oh! And while we are sitting there, this guy walks up behind us and asks what field we're on. So we all turn around and the first thing I thought was "celebrity" but it didn't take long for it to switch to "politician." He was too polished and put together for that. Anyhow, it was Walt Minnick. So I had to snap a picture of him walking away because I wasn't quick enough to get his face... and I probably wouldn't have taken a picture of his face even if I had time. Walt walking away into the mountains... and yes, there was some snow and LOTS of goose crap on the ground!

Last weekend was insane. We had that lovely 4 day weekend with the kids which included 3 parent teacher conferences, spread out all over the place. Briyanna decided to she needed to have a friend spend the night. Rob and Ethan went to CJ Strike and caught their first sturgeon. Then on Saturday we had our AWANA games at Meridian High School. We had to go to both Sparks and TnT games so we were there ALL DAY LONG (okay 7 hours!). Brenna actually played on both teams since the older group was short a few kids. All of the teams took first place which was pretty cool. I'm posting 2 videos from the games. They're both about 30 seconds each. And my kids are on the yellow team. I didn't get any of Brenna. Briyanna is wearing the red pants and Ethan, well, he's the skinny one playing tug-of-war with Bob Raymond's middle son, Caige. That video is actually impressive... if you can ignore me screaming!

Later that night, if you can believe this, I actually went out with a friend for dinner and a piercing. We ate at Red Robin and I got my tragus pierced. No pain at all then. I'm having a little more of a problem now when it comes to moving it and cleaning. But sleeping on it is okay too. I was really expecting way more pain with the actual piercing. I cried, told the guy that I thought that I'd rather be having a baby, cried a little more. And then it was over and I realized what a wimp I had been!

So for my last order of business... for now... I will leave you with the time change coming up tonight- an hour and 20 minutes from right now. Anyhow, I have this clock in my living room. I NEVER actually use it to tell time. It is purely for looks. But I think that other people that actually come into my house actually do use it to tell time and it's kind of funny to watch them freak out when they think they've been here and hour longer than they really have, all because I'm too lazy to change the time on my clock when there is a time change. I almost do it, but then I realize, we're like 3 weeks away from a time change... why bother? And if you know me really well, you know that for the most part, I'm not a lazy person... I just have better things to do than change the time on my clocks. So in a a little over an hour, the clock in my living room with have the right time on it... til October.


Curt said...

Your screaming is the FUNNY part of the video!!!

Jamie Elaine said...

You are supposed to turn down the volume!!!!!! I'm a mom... what do you expect? I love it when my kid's kick butt at a church event.